What are our environmental programs about?

Our programmes combine experiential, inquiry-based, and service learning to foster a deep understanding of our natural world.

Through immersive hands-on programs, we inspire participants to step beyond their comfort zones and engage directly with Singapore's unique ecosystems. Our experiences go beyond traditional learning, encouraging curiosity and challenging common misconceptions on topics ranging from biodiversity to what each individual can do to make change.

Every session plants a seed for a more environmentally conscious generation.

Little Green Heros

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Children's Voices for Biodiversity

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Youth for a Green Future

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Green Wisdom

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How do we do it?

Wen Yun

Inquiry-Based Learning

Constructing knowledge through a process of discovery and exploration!
Stacy Goh

Experiential Learning

Learning through experience and reflection!
Jeryl Yep

Service Learning

Combination of classroom learning with community service to develop civic skills and knowledge!